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My Interview | as if I wrote it.

It started when I got qualified for the 2nd level test for Persistent Systems, I was the only one from my college qualified for the Advanced Coding test. It was a coding test and I was disconnected form coding for last two years, this made my friends say that I cannot make it up. I too smiled and replied, but I was hurt from the inside.

The day before the coding test, I told few of my friends that I am going to make it up. I didn't had any preparations, I was studying JAVA when one of my friends called and adviced me to go for sample questions of Advanced Coding test and not JAVA theory. I went with his advice and opened a few sample questions, was unable to solve any as I was trying the hardest one, but still, I believed I will make it up. The next day my code passed 14  out of 15 test cases in my Advanced Coding round. I was one of the only 7 people qualified out of 3 groups of colleges( 25+ colleges in West Bengal).

Now I was not prepared for the technical Interview, I didn't even had my CV updated, my CV was having few proficiencies that I didn't even know about. So sitting along with other 6 qualified people I alleged that we will have our interviews tomorrow, not today when the TPO told us that at least we will have one round of interview today itself. What happened was, we were released by 4PM and were told that our Interview will happen tomorrow and we need to report by 9 AM. :-D :-D

So with a smiling face, I went home and updated my CV, got it printed and studied a few proficiencies that I wanted to showcase, Studied the questions that we had the info about and went to sleep. Non-selected Candidates, while returning, told us that they were asking questions randomly from any subject. At that time, I claimed that we will have our interview only on Logical and programming concepts, nothing else.

The next day we went for the interview and we noticed that the interviewers came with their luggage. The interview started and 1st category candidate went for the interview. We were waiting and were claiming that we will have our technical round on basically logical stuff and the interview went exactly the same, there were few questions for other subjects but mostly logical and that's how I cleared my first round.

Now I knew that I will get selected, no doubts. It was already late and I told everyone that we will have our i 2nd nterview in a hurry as they were supposed to leave. Everyone went for the interview and I was the last one to go inside and my Interview was conducted in a hurry. :-D :-D Completely logical and very very fast. in the end, he asked me "I don't find anything unique in your CV, why should I offer you a higher package?" I countered it somehow and then he asked, "what if I offered you 4.41 LPA, will you join?" I waited for a while and said "Then I will have to think.", he replied- "it means, I will have to think now, all five of you are not going to be selected."

During my interview, one of us was already selected and others were waiting, I was quite nervous as the other candidates were having very heavy projects on there CVs whereas I was having simple projects, but the surprising thing was, when the head Interviewer turned up, he took only my name and signed off for the day :-D :-D. So I was selected for the Highest package at my college. :-D :-D Our TPO blessed me with "Great achievement Adarsha, you will surely be an inspiration for other students." :-D :-D

Long back one of my friends asked me to come out of my dreams and live in the real world. She did never believe that dreams can come true and this could be that easy. Today I don't see my life without the dreams, everything that I have today are the results of dreams and the beliefs that I have. This story is one of those stories that turned true just based on my beliefs and dreams, there are many sstories like this and many more yet to come.

You know- nothing is impossible until you say it is.
and nothing is possible until you say it is.

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