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Dog and Master | Inspired by Django

"You will always remain a dog...
Until you are taught to be the master..."

If I say in nice words,
"You will always be dominated by others until you are taught to dominate others..."

This is the rule of nature, the animal which can dominate other animals rules the Jungle and no one is there to question unless the ruler's dominance falls weak.

This fact is well displayed in the movie Django, A black man named Django serving as a slave for years was bought by a businessman, obviously for personal benefits, but apart from that personal benefit, he declared him a free man and taught him to be a free man and also, how to do the business that he did.

At the end of the movie, Django was supposed to free his wife from some white owner. He went to that place, that businessman accompanied and suggested a plan but the plan failed and got the businessman killed and himself slaved again.

On the way when Django was being carried in a cell by 3 white men along with few other slaves, Django Pitched a business that was taught to him, even though that business was already done, he succeeded in getting himself uncuffed and as soon as he was given a gun, he shot all three white men and went to save his wife again, shot every single person he encountered, but saved his wife.

So, how this happened?

A slave who couldn't even think of himself getting free started fighting with white people to save his wife?

This all happened just because he was taught to be a free man and think like a free man. He was taught to change his thoughts, beliefs, and attitude and this made him realize his capabilities, his power to change the situation and he went through bluffing a business to saving his wife.

Science turns up with similar results when it conducted events with dogs, 100 dogs were divided into 2 groups, 50-50 each, and each dog was given a shock, dogs of 1st group  were given the shock in a closed chamber and the dogs of the 2nd group were given shock in open chambers from where they can escape. In the second iteration, each dog was given shock in the open chamber, but the dogs of group 1 tend to accept the shock even though they could have escaped, This concept is known as learned helplessness, even baits and encouragements could not get the dogs to escape, it took at least 2 times to push the dog so that they move out, then they escaped in the next turn on their own.

This is the case with most of us, we don't know our own abilities, we are never made aware with the powers that we have. and that is how we never turn to a master, we always remain a dog. It requires someone to teach you to be the master, it could be you or someone else. It's really easy to become a master on our own, we, humans, are best at copycatting, just do that, take a role model, someone relevant to your situation, and follow them, their habits and beliefs, soon enough you will have your own  beliefs, habits, and ways,
and you will surely be the master.

Thank you for reading, hope you liked it...
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