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A student as Interviewer | the hiring at VICETECH™

A 21 years old student sitting in the interviewer's chair. One who never sat for a single interview took face to face interview of more than 150 candidates. Though he is just 21 years old, the company gave him the full responsibility of hiring. Sitting along with 15-20 years experienced people, consulting with them, he shortlisted the candidates and finalized their salary.

Quality was the highest priority, and only 10 out of 150 candidates were shortlisted. Being not so old Company the budget was a huge concern, still, the company has tried to improvise the employee condition at its location setting the minimum salary higher than the normal market trend. The salary was finalized keeping both, the candidate and the company, comfortable. There were cases when the salary demand went beyond the maximum salary slab, considering the quality and standard of the candidate, the company went beyond the norms and finalized a salary more than the maximum salary slab.

The confidence and professionalism defined him as a professional recruiter, and the most interesting part came when the hired people got to know that he was just 21 years old and is younger than themselves. they couldn't believe the fact that he is a student, they were just amazed and astonished by the confidence that he displayed in the interview.

It was the turn of interns and he displayed such soft and influential gesture that all of them went home with a completely different perspective, where they got to know that internship is not just about working with a company, but there can be opportunities which can turn them into an entrepreneur. when asked for feedback about the company they replied its very friendly and motivating environment inside the company.

It was an amazing experience for him too, being a middle-class boy, this earned him huge respect. At an age when students are wondering about their placements, he was giving placements and internships in his own company. The age when one only thinks of getting a nice boss, he was being called sir by more than 15-20 people in his own company and 100's of candidates called him sir face to face and on phone. Being the first face of the company to any new individual was a great experience for him. He was in blushes when someone came and asked him "How could I be like you?".

Yes, Its true, he didn't make everything on his own, there was the support of many behind all this and he is thankful to all of them. The company trusted the youngest person available for the role, seniors guided and helped him, he is thankful to all of them and will always be.

This is my first blog.
Do comment and share how you felt reading this.
Will get back to you very soon.
Thank you.

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