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Showing posts from June, 2018

May be we are SELFISH!!!

How was your last breakup?  Maybe you cried for about 3-4 days, were upset for few weeks, and finally, you were emotionally broken and decided never to trust anyone again. Right? Imagine how tough it would be for a girl who was physically abused!!! It was just an emotional attachment that turned you this much, it took you so long to recover, and that too not completely... What about her? Maybe she had relations with 100s, but it was with her approval. When someone refused to stay emotionally attached to you, you were broken for months. So how long does she require to recover from being physically abused??? I really don't understand why this happens, like what do we need?  Sex? Go for a prostitute you will have it, why to kill someone from inside?  Revenge with that particular girl? Take your revenge but at least maintain the level of your revenge, why to take someone's dignity in revenge? Revenge from someone else? How would it be if I slapped your younger b