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Showing posts from April, 2018

Normal and Smart Parents

Parents are parents... what is this normal and smart ??  Exactly! Parents are Parents, just the difference lies in the way of influence and execution. let's talk in details... I ask you to do something for me... how many times will you do it for me?? What if I asked u to do the same job for yourself, where I made u count your benefits and generated some interest in you. Won't you be doing it better and for a longer time? You are doing the same job ... but there is a huge difference. I can assure you the second one will prove to be better....and that is how smart parents operate. They never set rules, you are never forced, u are just made aware of the benefits and awakened some Interest, and you work on your own. Unlike the normal parents who try to impose their decision. let us take an example of one's gf or bf, we all are happy to have one, Right ?? Now parents worry about there child and the families reputation... Right?? So normal parents will stop u from getti