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Showing posts from March, 2018

WHAT I WOULD DO IF I HAD A MILLION DOLLARS ( not my story, coppied from a book)

This story proves the truth of that old saying, “where there’s a will, there’s a way.” It was told to me by that beloved educator and clergyman, the late Frank W. Gunsaulus, who began his preaching career in the stockyards region of South Chicago. While Dr. Gunsaulus was going through college, he observed many defects in our educational system, defects which he believed he could correct, if he were the head of a college. His deepest desire was to become the directing head of an educational institution in which young men and women would be taught to “learn by doing.” He made up his mind to organize a new college in which he could carry out his ideas, without being handicapped by orthodox methods of education. He needed a million dollars to put the project across! Where was he to lay his hands on so large a sum of money? That was the question that absorbed most of this ambitious young preacher’s thought. But he couldn’t seem to make any progress. Every night he took that thought to bed w

A student as Interviewer | the hiring at VICETECH™

A 21 years old student sitting in the interviewer's chair. One who never sat for a single interview took face to face interview of more than 150 candidates. Though he is just 21 years old, the company gave him the full responsibility of hiring. Sitting along with 15-20 years experienced people, consulting with them, he shortlisted the candidates and finalized their salary. Quality was the highest priority, and only 10 out of 150 candidates were shortlisted. Being not so old Company the budget was a huge concern, still, the company has tried to improvise the employee condition at its location setting the minimum salary higher than the normal market trend. The salary was finalized keeping both, the candidate and the company, comfortable. There were cases when the salary demand went beyond the maximum salary slab, considering the quality and standard of the candidate, the company went beyond the norms and finalized a salary more than the maximum salary slab. The confidence and pro