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Showing posts from May, 2023

Middle Class Father

 Do you get to see your father smiling often? One common characteristic of middle class father is not smiling or even talking with ease. We mostly classify them as "Saadu", "Unki shakal humesa aisi hi bani rathi hai" etc.  You will find your mother smiling and making you smile. You will find that your wishes are coming true, it may take some time but it is coming true. You will find everyone in the family with new dresses but father is not ready to part ways with his old shirt and pant even when it is worn out.  Was the father always like this? as a kid, father also used to smile and make a lot of wishes. He also enjoyed new dresses. He used to dream as well.  What changed this lively kid to a Saadu father? For a father, every family member is of much more importance than himself. He will do everything in his control to see you all smile. He will Sacrifice everything to fulfill your wish. He is always in pressure of how will he fight with tomorrow. He is always work